N10B for Indihome
Enhance Indihome Customer Experience
N10B is one of Amoeba from Regional III, managed by AMA Jawara. They bring solutions for indihome customers who are in areas with frequent blackouts in the form of a power bank for indihome stb.
Thus, this solution will be offered throughout Indonesia, with piloting projects in regional iii. This innovation development will collaborate with PT. INTI especially in the field of production.
A New Way of Learning
Founded in 2019, DigiLearn has been implemented in Telkom Indonesia as a digital learning platform. Currently, 109 BUMNs have experimented and are using DigiLearn as their learning tool.
For this reason, in collaboration with PT. Infomedia, DigiLearn will be accelerated for its business so it can become a sustainable product and give impacts for Indonesia
Smart Logistic/
Working Space
Empowering the Community
According to a request from Telkom Property (PT. GSD) to TCUC to collaborate in building a smart logistics / working space so that expected to become a new Unique Value for Telkom Property in competing in the digital era.
This initiation is still in the problem-solution fit phase so it requires support in validating to the market.